Hey there!

I'm Fayyad

Junior Software Developer with +2 years of experience
and having development experience with Python
programming language and skillful in Python
frameworks, related on web development, data analyses,
Strong knowledge of object-oriented programming
concepts, design pattern. looking for a development
position. Supportive and enthusiastic team player
dedicated to efficiently resolving project issues. Ability
and willingness to innovate and learn new technologies,
quick learner passionate about development.

My Career so far

Python developer with over two years of experience and Knowledgeable in Python frameworks.

Python Script
Django Back-End
Flask Back-End
Data Analyses
React JS
Web Scraping
Web Design

Tool & Technologies Skills

Software Development

Strong in Problem solving, Object-Oriented
Programming, Data Structure, Algorithms, Design Patterns,
Concurrency and Parallelism, Network.

Data Analytics /Machine Learning

Skillful  in Python framework related on Data Analytics /Machine Learning such as  Plotly, NumPy, Pandas,  Matplotlib, Sklearn, Tensorflow ( keras ).


Skillful  in Python framework related on Web-Backend such as Django, Flask.

Linux System

Skillful in GNU/Linux System, File Management, Bash Script, Process Management, Network Management, Debian distribution, Ubuntu.


Skillful in SQL, NoSQl database system
like SQLlite3, SQL, Postgresql, MongoDB.

Web Scraping and Automation

Skillful  in Python framework related on Web Crwaling such as Selenium, Httpx.

Data Analytics & Machine Learning

Skillful in data processing, data visualization, Supervised& Unsupervised machine learning, deeplearning, natural language processing.

Website Frontend

Skillful in HTML5, CSS3 ,BootStrap
and ES6 JavaScript.